Art, or even noticing His creation, is a form of worship.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
St Anne's Catholic Cemetary. Used to be in town, but they moved it out into the country because they didn't think the tourists would like it. (I personally think they wanted to use the real estate for hotels, etc.)
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Software Architect on Sheriff, at Verizon Business; where I get to hack code and play. Percussionist and worshipper at BeyondChurch; where I get to rock for God. Father of two: Jaime and Tif (mother of PeaBaby); who show me the Father's love in so many ways - through the joy they bring to this father's heart. PapaJames to PeaBaby - who is love and awe wrapped in a little boy's body. Married to Lisa, my soul mate and awesome partner in life.
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