Art, or even noticing His creation, is a form of worship.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Jaime dressed for Homecoming. I took quite a few pictures, but I was shaking or something and most of them didn't turn out too well. Sigh. I'll have to get some from Heather, whose camera did a much better job.
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Software Architect on Sheriff, at Verizon Business; where I get to hack code and play. Percussionist and worshipper at BeyondChurch; where I get to rock for God. Father of two: Jaime and Tif (mother of PeaBaby); who show me the Father's love in so many ways - through the joy they bring to this father's heart. PapaJames to PeaBaby - who is love and awe wrapped in a little boy's body. Married to Lisa, my soul mate and awesome partner in life.